Did you know that the best community service scholarships aren’t the highest-paying ones? Ideally, great awards provide both money and other types of support. For instance, some programs include career mentoring, internship referrals, and professional development opportunities.
So, as you scroll through the scholarships profiled here, consider the full package each one offers. When you find certain programs well-suited to you, mentally offer your thanks to the generous people funding them. Just like you’re caring for others in your area, grant sponsors care about you!
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1. Against the Grain Groundbreaker Leadership Scholarship
- US national, citizen, or legal permanent resident with at least 25 percent Pacific Islander or Asian ethnicity
- High school senior or college student presently enrolled full-time at an accredited US junior college, vocational school, or four-year university or college
- Pursuing either an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree
- 3.5 GPA
- Application Deadline – May 7th, 2020
Against the Grain Productions offers this $1,500 scholarship, open to students of any major. The nonprofit organization hosts media projects to raise funds for Asian-American students, young artists, and underprivileged children. The award honors a bright student with strong leadership qualities, driven to improve the lives of their fellow Asian-Americans.
To qualify, you must submit a 750-word essay describing the attributes of a champion leader. Next, create a video depicting your community service, aimed at preparing others for dynamic jobs in a “groundbreaking” capacity. Also required are recommendation letters and interviewing with the selection panel.
2. Anna Schiller Memorial Scholarship
- Graduating senior of Rockford Christian High School, pursuing higher education
- Active in community service and dedicated to improving others’ lives
- Exemplifying the virtues of Anna Schiller, Rockford student
- 2.0 GPA
- Application Deadline – February 1st, 2021
Anna Schiller was a selfless girl and Rockford student who died at age 15. The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois administers this scholarship fund, honoring Anna’s cheerfulness, team spirit, and service to the poor, homeless, sick, and lonely.
Each year, the awards range between $500 and $10,000, depending on the donations received. The number of recipients also varies. A qualified applicant should write an essay describing their humanitarian works and pledging to continue. A letter of reference must vouch for their caring deeds and personality.
3. BBB Foundation Students of Integrity Video Scholarship – Northwest
- High school junior or senior living in the Northwestern US, namely either Alaska, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, or the Wyoming Counties of Lincoln, Uinta, and Teton
- 3.0 GPA
- Having applied to a higher education institute, such as a college, vocational school, or university
- Application Deadline – March 23rd, 2021
This award is given in memory of Scott Mecham, past president of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for 15 years. The Students of Integrity Video Scholarship recognizes a highly respected student, evidenced by their public service and academic achievements.
If you’re eligible, pick one of two designated topics to create a three-minute video. Out of ten finalists, one high school student will receive the $5,000 scholarship to advance their education.
4. BBB Student Ethics Scholarship – Connecticut
The BBB Connecticut Branch offers two types of ethics scholarships. One goes to a military family member while the other is for a civilian student. Each award pays $2,500.
Military Line Student Ethics Scholarship
- High school junior in a military family or adult spouse of a military member, pursuing higher education at an accredited school. An adult may apply by the end of their college freshman year.
- Connecticut resident
- Having firm morals and leadership qualities, shown through their community service
- Application Deadline – August 1st, 2020
Student Ethics Scholarship
- High school junior, planning to attend an accredited college or university
- Connecticut resident
- Displaying ethical behavior and leadership potential as a high school student and through community involvement
- Application Deadline – August 1st, 2020
The qualification process is identical for both the military and civilian programs. On the application, entrants must describe their leadership roles, volunteer activities, and higher education plans.
For the 500-word essay requirement, applicants will read a definition of an ethical person. Then, they must state how their integrity has been shaped by their beliefs, actions, and personality traits. Also required are three letters of recommendation and a recent transcript.
5. Beat the Odds Scholarship
- High school senior residing in either California, New York, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas, or Washington, DC
- Attending a charter, public, or alternative high school
- Having leaped over personal hurdles to their academic achievements
- Planning to attend a college, university, or vocational school
- Some states require a certain GPA
- Application Deadline – Varies by state
The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) sponsors this award program. It celebrates high school seniors who’ve excelled academically and helped their communities, despite daunting personal obstacles. Common roadblocks are poverty, abuse, disability, and homelessness. The funds reward a student’s ability to “beat the odds.”
This is one of the best community service scholarships, being so comprehensive! Awards range from $5,000 to $10,000, the amounts varying by state. Moreover, each honoree gets college fair information, career counseling, assistance with entrance exams and school enrollment, and mentoring in leadership development. Award packages may also provide professional clothing, essay writing workshops, laptops, and internship referrals.
If you meet all the qualifications, ask a professional to nominate you, someone who can vouch for your personal hardships. Then, write an essay explaining your challenges, support systems, academic progress, and community service.
6. Builders League of South Jersey Scholarship
- High school student attending school in the New Jersey counties of Camden, Salem, Gloucester, Cape May, Burlington, Atlantic, or Cumberland
- Pursuing enrollment at either an accredited trade school, junior college, or four-year college and demonstrating financial need
- Planning to enter the field of construction or real estate development
- Application Deadline – Changed from the original date to June 15, 2020
The Builders League of South Jersey wants to help ambitious students enter the NJ building industry. Among the eligible fields are carpentry, electrical engineering, construction materials handling, building design, and construction planning. Each year, the league funds several scholarships for up to $5,000 each.
Applicants must submit a 300-word essay explaining their career choice. Also required are two letters of recommendation.
7. Burger King Scholars Program
- Senior graduating from high school or a home school education program in Canada or the US, including Puerto Rico
- 2.5 GPA for three types of grants
- Planning full-time attendance at an accredited college, university, or vocational-technical school in Canada or the US
- Application Period – October 15th – December 15th, 2020
Burger King established this scholarship fund in memory of company co-founder James McLamore. Grants range between $1,000 and $50,000! There are two application “Tracks” — General and Employee-Based, the latter designed for children of Burger King staff, spouses of employees, and employees pursuing post-secondary education.
For the 2021 academic year, the Foundation has budgeted 22 awards in varying amounts. For all scholarships, the selection is based on student transcripts, extracurricular pursuits, and community service.
8. Capture the Dream Scholarship Fund
- Resident of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area of California for the 24 months preceding the award application deadline. The Bay Area includes the nine counties of Napa, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Alameda, Solano, San Mateo, Marin, Sonoma, and San Francisco.
- Either a low-income single parent or low-income minority student
- Planning Fall enrollment at an accredited, nonprofit institution of higher education
- Application Deadline – June 30th, 2020
Credit for this Fund goes to Janine Lee of San Francisco. As a teenager, Janine was distraught by the plight of low-income families, unable to afford college for their kids. To help local parents financially, Janine provided free babysitting services. At age 21, she entered pageants, by which to promote her cause. Capture the Dream, Inc. was born when a friend of Janine’s with nonprofit connections joined forces with her.
The Fund bestows two $1,000 grants annually, commencing with the Fall semester. One goes to a financially challenged Bay Area single parent, slated to attend a two-year or four-year institution. The second supports a low-income, Bay Area minority student, headed for a four-year institution.
For both grants, the selection criteria are academic standing, leadership activities, community service, professional recommendations, and financial need.
9. Carson Scholars Fund
- Students in Grades 4 to 11 at accredited schools throughout the US
- 3.75 GPA, altruistic personality, and noteworthy community service
- Application Deadline – January 10th, 2021
Dr. Benjamin Carson, a pediatric neurosurgeon, established this program with his wife Candy. The Fund has two aims. One is to spur academic excellence in children, setting the stage for college success. Secondly, the Carsons wish to promote habitual kindness in young kids, forging close-knit communities.
Award recipients become “Carson Scholars,” each endowed with a $1,000 college scholarship and an Olympic-style medal. Currently, the Fund issues roughly 500 grants annually!
10. CBC Spouses Education Scholarship
- African-American or Black student, either a permanent US resident or citizen
- Living in a district served by a Congressional Black Caucus Member
- Enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited institution
- Active in community service and demonstrating leadership potential
- 2.5 GPA
- Application Deadline – April 30th, 2020
Spouses of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation created this grant program to compensate for federal budget cuts for educational spending.
Awards range between $400 and $8,200. The Foundation offers 300+ scholarships annually to students with exemplary leadership skills, academic merits, and community involvement.
The application requirements are extensive. First, submit a resume, documenting your academic history, extracurricular activities, employment history, special skills, and community service. Include an official transcript, printed legibly, and in color. Also, transmit an electronic copy of your Federal Student Aid Report (SAR) from your most recent Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Ideally, your two letters of recommendation should come from public service leaders, such as from a church, volunteer organization, or community agency. The photo you submit should be recent, showing you professionally dressed.
Also requested are two 250-word essays. In the first one, explain how your chosen field of study aligns with your long-term career goal. In the second, answer the question, “If you were a Congressional member, on what issue would you focus and what actions would you take?”
11. California Association of Winegrape Growers Foundation Scholarships
- Graduating high school senior whose parent works for a California winegrape grower
- Planning Fall attendance at a California two-year community college or a four-year state college or university
- Must either be employed, involved in community service, or participating in team sports
- Application Deadline – March 6th, 2021
This foundation, abbreviated CAWGF, helps employees of California vineyards pay for their kids’ college expenses. Vineyard employees must have been hired for the prior, current, or forthcoming growing season. Every year, seven awards are presented.
Two are four-year scholarships, paying up to $8,000 each, usable at any campus in the California State University System or at the University of California. Four are two-year grants for $2,000 each, valid at any California community college. Students can pursue any subject. Each semester, scholarship renewal is contingent upon carrying at least 12 credits and having satisfactory grades.
The Robert Miller Memorial Scholarship goes to a Central Coast high school senior or enrolled student pursuing enology or viticulture at Cal Poly or Alan Hancock Community College. The grant pays either $1,000 for study at Cal Poly or $500 for use at Alan Hancock College.
To be considered for these scholarships, complete the application, attaching your official high school transcript. Forward a 500-word essay stating your career goals, financial need, and how you intend to help your community. Submit a letter of recommendation from a school professional, such as a teacher, counselor, administrator, or principal. If you’re applying for a four-year scholarship, attach a copy of your ACT or SAT scores.
Awardees are chosen for their scholastic achievement, leadership skills, community involvement, financial need, and work history if employed.
12. Dr. Loomis/Rockton Lions Club Scholarship
- High school senior in District 207 of Northern Illinois
- Ranking in the top third of their class
- Planning full-time attendance at a four-year, two-year, or vocational college and having financial need
- Involved in community service
- Application Deadline – February 1st, 2021
The Rockton Lions Club offers two $1,000 grants each year. The Dr. Loomis Scholarship is earmarked for a Hononegah High School senior. The Rockton Scholarship is for a District 207 high school student, either home-schooled or attending a private school. For both grants, special consideration goes to pupils who participate in Lions Club service projects.
To apply for either of these grants, students must write an essay explaining their career plans and goals. Those active in the Lions Club should detail their service contributions.
See also: 30 Great Merit Scholarships
13. Asian Pacific Fund Scholarship
- High school senior with Pacific Islander or Asian ethnicity, as defined by the US Census
- California resident
- Planning full-time Fall enrollment at an accredited four-year university or college and having financial need
- First in the family to pursue college
- 2.8 GPA
- Application Deadline – March 27th, 2021
The Asian Pacific Fund, based in San Francisco, works to better the lives of Asian and Pacific Islanders living in the Bay Area. The nonprofit partners with local organizations to obtain financial support and services for this community.
The Fund confers up to three awards per year, the amounts ranging between $2,000 and $3,000. Special consideration goes to students living in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Students who qualify should submit the application form, a resume, their most recent transcript, and two letters of recommendation, one by a current instructor. Also required is writing three short essays answering certain questions.
Awardees are chosen for their scholastic achievements, personal attributes, community service, drive to succeed, and financial need.
14. IAPD Annual Scholarship Program
- Graduating high school senior pursuing a college degree in professional sales, either majoring or minoring in this field. Alternatively, you can be a college or university student matriculated in a professional sales degree program at the undergrad or graduate level.
- Have a parent employed by an IAPD member corporation or be an employee of an IAPD member firm
- 3.0 GPA
- Application Deadline – February 10th, 2021
This program is sponsored by the International Association of Plastics Distribution (IAPD). Most of the funds are donated by IAPD member businesses. Students entering the sales field can receive up to $5,000 each toward their educational costs.
Preference goes to those studying industrial distribution or polymer sciences. Candidates must be enrolled full-time, aiming to carry 12 credits or more per semester.
The application requirements are a 500-word essay, your current unofficial high school or college transcript, and a letter of recommendation from your school’s principal, dean, teacher, or department head. Awardees are chosen for their academic merit, presentation, and extracurricular pursuits.
15. James W. McLamore WHOPPER Scholarship
- US or Canadian citizen
- Either a graduating high school senior, home-schooled senior, or recent graduate of a high school in Canada or the US, including Puerto Rico
- Planning full-time attendance at a US four-year accredited university or college
- 3.3 GPA and 25 ACT score or 1220 SAT score
- Have a leadership role in athletics, community service, or an extracurricular organization, such as a fraternity or student government
- Have a strong employment record
- Application Period – October 15th to December 15th, 2020
The WHOPPER Scholarship pays tribute to Burger King co-founder James McLamore and was established by his family. Annually, three outstanding students receive grants of $50,000 each! You’re also welcome to apply if you graduated high school within the last three years.
To be considered, complete the application, attaching your most recent school transcript. Submit your resume, specifying your extracurricular leadership position, community service activities, and work experience. You must also demonstrate financial need.
16. Ora Lee Sanders Scholarship
- US citizen, enrolled by August 2020 in a four-year undergrad degree program at an accredited US college or university
- Pursuing any college-approved major
- 2.5 GPA and the scholastic ability to succeed in college
- Active in community service
- Adept at surmounting obstacles to personal and academic goals
- Application Deadline – August 31st, 2020
The Rainbow PUSH Coalition offers this $2,500 renewable award, part of the PUSH Excel Scholarship Program. The grant honors Ora Lee Sanders, a teacher who firmly believed that all kids deserve the chance to attend college. The scholarship is notable for its lenient eligibility requirements and nationwide student access.
Along with submitting your application, supply an official transcript, two recommendation letters, and proof of acceptance at an accredited US institution. Specify your community service activities and any school-based extracurricular pursuits. Additionally, write an essay on the theme of pursuing excellence.
17. KASF Eastern Regional Chapter Scholarship Program
- Korean-American or Korean ethnicity, including Korean immigrants and foreign students
- Enrolled full-time in either high school, an undergrad program, or graduate school at the time of applying
- Attending school in the Eastern US region, specifically Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, or Virginia
- 3.0 GPA
- Demonstrating financial need
- Application Deadline – June 30th, 2020
The Korean American Scholarship Foundation (KASF) offers numerous scholarships to students living in the Eastern US states specified above. Grants range between $500 and $5,000 each.
The ethnicity requirement is broad. Welcome to apply are Korean-Americans, having a Korean grandparent, parent, or great-grandparent. Likewise eligible are those adopted from Korea and foreign students from Korea. You also qualify if you’re a descendant of an American veteran who served during the Korean War.
The application process depends on your educational status and where you reside. For the procedure to follow, see this KASF regional map, and click on your respective state.
18. KASF Western Regional Chapter Scholarship Program
- Students of Korean heritage enrolled full-time in an undergrad or graduate degree program at an accredited US four-year university or college and demonstrating financial need
- Living in a designated Western state, namely California, Montana, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, or Alaska
- 3.0 GPA
- Application Deadline – June 30th, 2020
KASF also distributes scholarships to students residing in the Western US states noted above. Awards pay between $500 and $5,000 each. To be considered, you’ll need to submit the scholarship application, a recent photo, letters of recommendation, a recent transcript, an essay, and your financial data.
19. Lee E. Schauer Scholarship
- High school senior living in Shelby County of Sidney Ohio, planning for college
- 2.5 GPA
- Active at the Sidney-Shelby YMCA for the past three years
- Avidly involved in fitness and sports activities
- Passionate about community service, preferably at the YMCA
- Application Deadline – April 3rd, 2021
This $48,000 scholarship is given in memory of Lee Schauer, an upstanding teen who died in an accident as a high school senior. His family and friends established the fund 30 years ago.
The grant is divided across four years, paying $12,000 per year. To maintain the scholarship, the student must show ongoing academic progress.
The Schauer family intends this grant for a noble student like their son. Accordingly, the awardee must be honest, responsible, caring, respectful, and dedicated to helping others. The family chose the Sidney-Shelby County YMCA to administer the award, as a United Way Organization.
Applications are available online, from the YMCA, and through your high school. Submit the completed form, your transcript, and three letters of recommendation.
Then, document your volunteer hours, community projects, fitness activities, extracurricular pursuits, and YMCA involvement. Also, write a paragraph detailing how you exhibit YMCA core values. Finalists will interview with the selection panel the first week in May 2021.
20. Matt Fong Asian Americans in Public Finance Scholarship
- At least 50 percent Asian ethnicity
- Enrolled at a four-year California university or college and have financial need
- Entering your second, third, or fourth academic year by Fall 2021
- Majoring in public policy, political science, accounting, business administration, or a related field
- 3.0 GPA
- Active in community service or general volunteer work
- Application Deadline – April 3rd, 2021
This $2,500 award pays tribute to Matt Fong, California state treasurer. During his tenure, Mr. Fong championed job opportunities in public finance for Asian-Americans. The Asian Pacific Fund administers the scholarships, with two earmarked for 2021.
To be considered, submit the student application form, your most recent transcript, financial data, a resume, and two letters of recommendation, one by a current instructor. Your resume should specify your school activities, community service projects, work experience, and any awards. Also, write an essay answering the five questions on the application.
21. Maximum Independence Scholarship Program
- High school senior living in Oklahoma, specifically the counties of Grady, Kiowa, Jackson, Cotton, Greer, Stephens, Comanche, Jefferson, Tillman, Harmon, and Caddo, south of E1130 Road
- Or, be a high school senior residing in the Texas counties of Wichita, Clay, Baylor, Archer, or Wilbarger
- US citizen or legal resident
- Financial need, a documented disability, or both
- Enrolling as a freshman at a college, trade school, or vocational-technical school
- Pursuing a degree or certificate and carrying at least 12 credits per semester
- Having logged 15 hours of volunteer service
- Application Deadline – March 18th, 2021
This program is hosted by the Goodwill Industries of Southwest Oklahoma and North Texas, Inc. The agency seeks to help the disabled and disadvantaged it serves to continue their education and prosper. Slated for 2021 are 15 awards, paying up to $1,000 each.
Along with completing the application, please submit your high school transcript, FAFSA application form, and two reference letters. Also, obtain a letter from your community service supervisor, documenting your 15 hours of work. Disabled applicants must provide proof of disability from a government or medical authority.
Lastly, write a personal statement, summarizing your family background, interests, plan of study, educational goals, and why the scholarship is important to you.
22. Melissa’s Hope Scholarships
- New Jersey student pursuing higher education in the field of nursing, medical technology, or medical sciences
- Planning school enrollment for the forthcoming academic year
- 3.0 GPA
- Record of community service
- Application Deadline – March 15th, 2021
Dystonia, the crippling muscle disease, took the life of Melissa Centrella at age 20. This scholarship program, founded by Melissa’s loved ones, has four aims. The grants support people entering the medical field and scientists laboring for a dystonia cure. They express gratitude to the medical professionals who cared for Melissa. Fourth, they pay tribute to the love Melissa consistently showed to others, despite the agony she suffered.
Each scholarship pays $1,000 to $3,000, and you’re welcome to reapply each year. To qualify, submit the application, a recent school transcript, and your record of volunteer service.
23. Page Education Foundation Grants
- Student of color and Minnesota High School graduate, pursuing a post-secondary education at a Minnesota institution
- Enrolled full-time for the upcoming school year in an accredited two-year or four-year program
- Age 18 to 35, demonstrating financial need
- Pledging to complete service projects with young children each year
- Application Deadline – May 1st, 2020
Page Grants award between $1,500 and $2,500 each year. Currently, 540 grants are available! Moreover, some colleges offer matching funds.
Students of color include the following nationalities — American Indian, Asian-American, Pacific Islander, Latino, Hispanic, and African-American. In return for a grant, recipients must give 50 hours of free tutoring to children annually. The students served are in kindergarten through 8th Grade.
To qualify for a Page Grant, you’ll need to write an essay and submit a service project proposal. Also, provide your financial data, recent school transcript, and letters of recommendation. For subsequent grants, you must reapply, show proof of 50 hours of volunteer youth service, and academic progress that year.
24. Park Scholar Program
- High school student and US citizen or eligible non-citizen, per federal guidelines
- Having a stellar academic record
- Applying to Ithaca College, a private liberal arts institution in Ithaca, New York
- Pursuing an undergrad major at the Roy H. Park School of Communications
- Application Deadline – January 15th, 2021
The Park Scholar Award is a comprehensive four-year scholarship. It covers the entire cost of attending Ithaca College, including tuition, room, and board. Furthermore, it provides stipends for books, living expenses, and a computer priced up to $2,500.
The grants are merit-based, and 10 are bestowed each year. Awards go to entering freshmen, passionate about community service, the communications field, beating challenges, and excelling academically. Another three grants go to prospective Park School juniors. Note that transfer students aren’t eligible for a Park Scholar Award.
If you qualify, submit applications for an award and admission to Ithaca College, along with two recommendation letters. You must also write two essays and a personal history summary. Finalists are chosen in early March, and on-campus interviews occur later that month.
25. Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
- Students in Grades 5 through 12, as of November 5th, 2020
- Legal resident of any US state or Washington, DC
- Performed volunteer service during the 12 months before the award application date
- Application Deadline – November 5th, 2020
With this prestigious awards program, The Prudential Foundation recognizes US middle and high school students for their selfless community service. Awards span six categories.
National Honorees obtain $5,000 awards, gold medals, and crystal trophies for their sponsoring school or organization. Ten of these winners are named “America’s Top Youth Volunteers of the Year.” Furthermore, the awardees choose a nonprofit to whom the Foundation endows $5,000 each.
State Honorees receive $1,000, a silver medal, and a fully-paid trip with a guardian or parent to a Washington, DC recognition event. Distinguished Finalists, as runners-up, get bronze medals. Other runner-up honorees at the state level acquire Certificates of Excellence.
Schools and designated organizations choose the Local Honorees, endowing them with Certificates of Achievement. Moreover, such winners can earn the President’s Volunteer Service Award if they meet a specified number of service hours for their age group. Be sure to submit the Prudential application to the head of a designated organization or school by the cutoff date.
26. Ron Brown Scholar Program
- African-American or Black high school senior, either a US citizen or permanent resident
- Having an outstanding academic record, leadership qualities, and community involvement
- Planning enrollment at any four-year accredited US college or university and demonstrating financial need
- Application Period – November 1st, 2020 to January 9th, 2021
This scholarship program memorializes Ronald Brown and his dedicated service as Secretary of Commerce. Each year, the Fund distributes at least 20 awards to gifted high school seniors, appointing them “Ron Brown Scholars.”
The $40,000 grants are divided across four years, paying $10,000 annually. Along with financial support, Scholars receive career guidance, mentoring, and internship opportunities.
While “Ron Brown Captains” don’t receive money, they gain access to internships, service opportunities, leadership development events, and webinars. Each year, Captains are chosen from the top two percent of applicants. In March, the selection committee names the finalists. These candidates embark on a fully-paid trip to Washington, DC for a weekend interview process.
To compete for a scholarship, you’ll need to submit an application, school transcripts, ACT and SAT scores, and letters of recommendation.
27. Shelton National Leadership Scholarship
- High school senior applying to North Carolina State University
- Admitted to the school as a full-time, undergrad freshman
- Highly involved in your high school and community
- Dedicated to selfless service and having a leadership role
- Application Deadline – October 15th, 2020
This program issues two or three $5,000 annual scholarships to North Carolina State entering freshmen. Additionally, one student obtains an “endowment” of $2,000 each year, plus opportunities for professional development, networking, and leadership seminars.
Along with meeting the above criteria, applicants must demonstrate integrity, discipline, time management skills, a drive for ongoing personal growth, and a commitment to physical fitness.
The fund was instituted 18 years ago by General Hugh Shelton, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. By founding it, Mr. Shelton sought to credit his alma mater for the empowering education he received.
To be considered, qualified candidates must first apply to North Carolina State University through its Early Action Admission App. After processing, favorable students will be invited to pursue a scholarship by completing a self-nomination form. Semi-finalists chosen from this candidate pool will then submit a scholarship application and essay. Finalists will progress to campus interviews, determining the awardees.
28. Tex Schramm Scholarship
- High school men enrolled as freshmen at the University of Texas, Austin
- 3.0 GPA
- Demonstrating leadership skills, extracurricular involvement, and dedication to community service
- Application Deadline – May 31st, 2020
Tex Schramm was an innovative pro football executive and the first Dallas Cowboys general manager. While attending the University of Texas, Austin, he became an esteemed fraternity member, known for his intelligence, leadership, and the help he gave to fellow students. Tex Schramm’s fraternity brothers founded this scholarship as an ongoing tribute to him.
This year’s program offers 14 merit-based awards, paying up to $3,000 each. To compete, fill out the scholarship application, detailing your leadership experience and any honors or awards received. Include your resume and a current transcript. Interviews complete the application process.
29. S.E.T. Educational Fund
- Michigan resident with Fall enrollment at an accredited Michigan university or college, demonstrating financial need
- Exemplary record of academic achievement and community service
- Application Deadline – May 1st, 2020
This Fund aims to encourage Michigan students to remain in-state and help their communities thrive. This year, two scholarships are available for $6,500 each. The selection panel is unique, comprised of Fund donors who vote for the awardees!
Among the required documents are the S.E.T Application, a recent transcript, proof of Michigan residence, and last year’s federal tax forms. Submit either a Form 1040 for your parents or a personal Form 1040 if you’re not a dependent.
Next, forward a reference letter from a non-relative, detailing your community service accomplishments. Then, submit a letter of acceptance from the Michigan public institution where you’re enrolled.
30. The Susan Fund Scholarship Program
- Residing in Fairfield County, Connecticut
- Having a history of cancer
- Pursuing higher education at an accredited institution, either currently enrolled or planning attendance and demonstrating financial need
- Active in your community
- Application Deadline – April 1st, 2021
This program was established by the family of Susan Lloyd, in honor of her courageous battle with terminal cancer. Throughout Susan’s life, even during cancer treatment, she demonstrated sacrificial love toward her friends, family, and fellow community members.
Awardees obtain both emotional and financial support toward their educational goals. The number of recipients and award amounts vary each year. This year’s figures are currently undisclosed.
To be considered, submit the scholarship application, a recent photo, your most recent school transcript, and a letter of recommendation from a school professional, employer, or friend. If you’re a first-time applicant, provide a doctor’s statement of the cancer diagnosis. If you’re a past awardee, obtain a doctor’s letter with their current medical assessment. You must also sign a publicity release form.
Community service is devoting your time and energy to supporting a local cause. We honor you for your selflessness and for pursuing this as a profession!
You’ll find more valuable scholarships here.
- The Christine B. Dexter Scholarship isn’t offered this year. The website says, “At this time, CBF 2020 scholarship applications are not open. Please follow our updates regarding 2021 applications.”
- It’s not clear whether the Financial Service Centers of New York Scholarship is currently given. The organization’s website states, “FSCNY and its partners are assessing the Young Leaders Scholarship. This page will be updated when details are firm.”
- I opted not to profile The Gates Scholarship since there are numerous criteria to meet. One website I reviewed stated, “The Gates Scholarship is extremely competitive and selective.”
- The Truman Foundation website advises that offices are “closed until further notice” due to COVID-19.
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- 35 Great Scholarships for Single Moms
- 40 Great Scholarships for Business Majors
- 40 Great Scholarships for First-Generation College Students
- 40 Great Scholarships for Gamers
- 40 Great Scholarships for International Students
- 40 Great Scholarships for Kinesiology Majors
- 40 Great Scholarships for Minorities
- 40 Great Scholarships for Study Abroad
- 45 Great Scholarships for Latino Students
- 50 Great Scholarships for Non-traditional Students
- 6 Great Colleges for Volleyball Scholarships
- 10 Opportunities for Florida Scholarships