Degrees at Southern Utah University
Southern Utah University appears in our ranking of 30 Great Colleges With An Increasing Student Population.
When applying to Southern Utah University, students have their choice of 23 associate degrees, 101 bachelor’s degrees, and 21 certificates. The university also has several graduate programs available. Areas a student can study include aviation, communication, education, and human behavior. Also available are degrees in business, computer science, the humanities, outdoor & environment, and the social sciences.
Students can also enroll in degree programs in the performing and visual arts, the health sciences, engineering, technology, science, or math. The most popular majors for students enrolled at Southern Utah University are business, human sciences, health professions, and the performing arts. Other popular majors are in visual arts, marketing, management, and family & consumer sciences.
Graduate studies at Southern Utah University are also available in many areas that include accounting, athletic training, business, education, and communication. Additional degrees are available in the arts, analytics, cybersecurity, public administration, and social work. These and other programs at the school are available at the Cedar City campus, as well as through SUU Online, which is the distance learning portal for the university.
One of the most diverse areas for study at Southern Utah University is business with the university offering several levels of degrees in a variety of distinct areas. For example, students can earn a bachelor’s degree, graduate degree, or minor in accounting or they can earn a bachelor’s degree or minor in economics. Students can also earn a bachelor’s degree or minor in hotel, resort & hospitality management or they can enroll in the management program, which is available as a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, minor, or certificate.
Programs in health sciences represent another popular area of study for students at Southern Utah University with 19 different topics available in many program formats. Future veterinarians, pharmacists, doctors, dentists, and optometrists can enroll in any of the school’s pre-professional programs. Other exciting programs include those in athletic training, digital communication, human nutrition, and sports conditioning & performance.
Online bachelor’s degrees include Bachelor of Science degrees in Accounting, Communication, Interdisciplinary Studies, General Studies, and Business Management. Students can also earn an RN to BSN online or a general education degree. Associate’s degrees available online include an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or an Associate in Paralegal Studies.
Prospective graduate students who want to study online will have the opportunity to enroll in accounting, business administration, cyber security & information assurance, interdisciplinary studies, music technology, or sports conditioning & performance. Other graduate degrees online at Southern Utah University include public administration, music education, education, communication, and arts administration. Students from anywhere in the world can attend the university’s online programs.
About Southern Utah University
Established in 1897, Southern Utah University is a public university located in Cedar City, Utah. The university has around 10,200 students enrolled and grants approximately 1,800 degrees each year. Sports teams at the university play as the Thunderbirds in NCAA Division I games. The university became part of the Big Sky Conference in 2012.
The official colors of the school are red and white, and the campus covers 129 acres. A popular Shakespeare festival takes place at the university each summer, and the school is also where the Utah Summer Games are held. When it was founded, the school was the first teacher training school of its kind in the region of southern Utah. The school’s official motto is “Learning Lives Forever.”
Southern Utah University Accreditation Details
Regional accreditation for Southern Utah University comes from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, and the school is also affiliated with a number of organizations and localized accreditation agencies. Memberships include those with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the American Association of Higher Education, and the American Library Association.
Programmatic accreditation for various degrees offered by the university has been granted by organizations like the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Additional accreditation comes from the National Association of Schools of Music and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
Southern Utah University Application Requirements
First-time college applicants to Southern Utah University will begin with the official application, a non-refundable fee of $50, and standardized test scores. High school seniors interested in concurrent enrollment will pay $40 per application, and returning students will pay $15 for their applications. The university accepts around 75 percent of its applicants with approximately 11,500 prospective students applying each year.
Applications for graduate school are different for each program, but all programs require that a student has a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college. Students can enroll in many of the graduate programs online or on campus, and the same application process is required whether a student applies for traditional enrollment or distance learning.
Tuition and Financial Aid
Tuition rates at Southern Utah University for Utah residents enrolled in undergraduate programs is $465 per credit with $48.75 in fees, which comes to a total of $513.75 for each credit. Online-only students also pay this rate whether they are Utah residents or are from another locale. Tuition for non-Utah residents who attend on-campus classes is $1,514 per credit with fees of $48.75, which totals $1,562.75 per credit.
Graduate students pay a rate based on their program. For example, the Master of Education program is $655.75 per credit for Utah residents and online students and is $2,021.75 per credit for non-residents on campus. Students enrolled in the MAcc, MBA, and CSIA programs will pay $847.75 if they’re Utah residents or online-only students or $2,441.75 if they’re from out-of-state.
Students are encouraged to apply for student aid early by the priority deadline of December 1 in the year before they want to attend classes. The ultimate deadline for scholarship consideration is March 1 of the next year. Students may qualify for federal student loans and grants, or they may seek out private student loans and money from other types of lenders like private banks.
Students who are awarded financial aid but cannot attend school immediately due to an emergency can delay their entrance to the university by up to five semesters. Southern Utah University offers several scholarships that are available for residents, as well as others that are available to non-residents, that include the President’s Scholarship, Fellow’s Scholarship, and the Founder’s Scholarship.