Great Value Colleges Foreign Language Scholarship for Texas Residents

foreign language scholarship
  • $1500 scholarship for undergraduate or graduate students minoring or majoring in a foreign language
  • Application Deadlines: July 15 and November 15
  • Available to citizens of the United States with residency in Texas

Great Value Colleges is a proud supporter of expanding your educational horizons, especially if that means learning a new language or getting a foreign language degree. Foreign language study can be a lucrative choice for students. Not only does majoring or minoring in a foreign language open opportunities for teaching, translating, and interpreting, but employees are also often paid more if they can speak a second language. Of all of the corporations in the United States, one-third are either owned or based abroad and, in many companies, schools, and sectors of the government, the demand for foreign language skills is so high, that student loan forgiveness is often available upon employment.

So, if you’re into saving money, pick up a major or minor in a foreign language, and let Great Value Colleges help pay the way.

Great Value Schools Scholarship Requirements:

  • Be attending or accepted at an accredited post-secondary U.S. institution (undergraduate or graduate).
  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Be a resident of Texas.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher.
  • Print and complete the scholarship application form.
  • Submit one (1) cover letter and resume; two current (2) letters of recommendation;
    and a 1000-1500 word essay that describes your experience majoring or minoring in a foreign language and explains why you’ve chosen that major/minor, any challenges you’ve faced, and how you plan to utilize this major/minor in your occupational and personal future.

Scholarship Awards:

  • Application Deadlines: July 15 (fall award); November 15 (spring award).
  • Winners will be notified by email.

Selection Process:

  • The awardee will be selected based on the completed application and evidence of motivation to learn a foreign language and goals for utilizing the foreign language degree as described in his/her essay, as well as the significance of the connection between the foreign language major or minor and his/her education.

Contact/Application Submission Information:

  • Email application materials to [email protected]. To avoid processing issues, please zip all your attachments into one file and attach it to one email.
