35 Most Affordable Bachelor’s in Physical Education for 2020

physical education college

In this ranking of the most affordable Bachelor’s degrees in Physical Education for 2019, we will explore related degrees like:

  • Bachelor’s in Physical Education, Sport, and Physical Activity
  • B.A. in Exercise and Sport Science
  • B.S in Kinesiology
  • Bachelor’s in Exercise and Sports Sciences with an emphasis in Physical Education
  • BAE in Secondary Education with a concentration in Physical Education
  • Bachelor’s in Liberal Studies with a concentration in Physical Education
  • Bachelor’s in Physical Education Teaching/Coaching
  • BS in Kinesiology with a concentration in Physical and Health Education Teacher Education
  • BS in Kinesiology Teaching
  • BS/BA in Physical Education
  • Bachelor’s in Health and Human Performance with a concentration in Physical Education and Sport
  • Bachelor’s in General Studies with an emphasis in Physical Education

You might be interested in a low-cost Bachelor’s in Physical Education if you enjoy being active and helping people maintain a healthy lifestyle. With various related degrees like Kinesiology and Exercise Science, you can study the fundamentals of physical education and hone in on your specific interests. Earning a cheap Bachelor’s degree in physical education will enable you to pursue a variety of careers, not just become a PE teacher! Other career options could include health educator, personal trainer, wellness coach, or more. You will even be prepared for pre-professional programs, and if you continue schooling, you could become a physical therapist, doctor, occupational therapist, or other medical-related options. Below, we explain how we ranked these 35 cheap physical education degree programs.

Rating and Ranking Methodology

To develop this ranking of the top affordable Bachelor’s in Physical Education programs, our editors searched for schools that offered cheap undergraduate programs in Physical Education.  To rate and rank these programs, we applied the methodology below, using information from Google, the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), Payscale.com, the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, and each program’s website. In cases of a tie, the more affordable school pulled the higher rank. If the information didn’t fit within the parameters, zero points were awarded for that category.


  • Net Price Below $10,000: 4 points
  • Net Price Below $15,000: 3 points
  • Net Price Below $20,000: 2 points
  • Net Price Below $25,000: 1 point

Student to Faculty Ratio

  • Less than 20:1: 1 point
  • Less than 15: 1: 2 points
  • Less than 10: 1: 3 points

Return on Investment (ROI) According to Payscale.com

  • Top 500: 1 point
  • Top 300: 2 points
  • Top 150: 3 points

Student Support Network (faculty mentors/advisors, writing/technology support, etc.)— 1 point per item

Concentrations/Specializations – 1 point per item

Accreditation (School-Wide and Program-Specific) – 1 point per item

Campus Diversity Support Network – 1 point per item

“Wow” Factor – 1 point (anything that would mark a program as unique. Special qualities that make a program “stand out from the crowd”)

#35 Salem University

Salem, West Virginia

Bachelor of Science in Education with a concentration in Physical Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 22 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 747
Standardized Test Score Requirements: requirements vary

Points: 7

At Salem University, you can earn your affordable degree in physical education by way of a BS in Education with a concentration in Physical Education. This degree is a good fit for those who want a solid background in education but also have a passion for fitness, wellness, and physical education. The curriculum will merge skill development and healthy living with hands-on field experience (student teaching) for a well-rounded degree. Classes in the major include:

  • Individual Sports
  • Team Sports
  • Adapted Physical Education and Sport
  • Kinesiology and Biomechanics
  • Materials and Methods of Teaching Physical Education
  • Advanced Topics in Physical Education

Classes will be delivered in a 4-week format. A related degree in Health Education is also available. The Salem School of Education is accredited through the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation’s NCATE, and upon graduation, you’ll have your licensure to begin teaching.

Net-Price Tuition: $17,774

#34 University of Maryland

College Park, Maryland

BS in Kinesiology

Student-Faculty Ratio: 18 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 30,762
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 11


The University of Maryland’s low-cost PE degree results in a BS in Kinesiology. This degree program will study physical movement and wellness through the perspective of public health. Sample coursework includes Managing Youth Programs: Educational, Fitness, and Sport, Motor Development and Fitness for Individuals with Disabilities, and Computational Motor Control and Learning: Engineering the Mind. While you can graduate and begin entry-level positions, UM also provides many opportunities for related graduate studies. If you want to teach physical education, you can apply to the MCERT program. This Master’s degree in physical education will certify you to teach! You could even enroll in a graduate program in Kinesiology or Public Health and graduate with both your Master’s and Bachelor’s at an accelerated rate.

Net Price Tuition: $16,790

#33 University of Delaware

Newark, New Jersey

Bachelor’s in Exercise Science

Student-Faculty Ratio: 15 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 19,956
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Test scores are optional.
Points: 11


Through the Kinesiology and Applied Physiology Department, the University of Delaware offers a low-cost physical education degree that results in a BS in Exercise Science. Designed as a pre-professional program, graduates typically apply for additional clinical, graduate, or professional programs. Students who wish to apply to medical school can opt for a concentration in Medical Scholars.  The curriculum is based in a biological and physical science-based foundation and then complemented by coursework in biomechanics, physiology, motor control and development, and athletic training. Sample coursework includes Topics in Exercise Science, Child or Abnormal Psychology, Motor Control & Learning, Nutrition Concepts, Human Anatomy and Physiology, and Clinical Exercise Physiology. Graduates will be ready for careers and graduate study in areas like Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant, and Medical/Dental Programs. The University of Delaware is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Net Price Tuition: $15,883

#32 University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia

BSEd in Kinesiology

Student-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 29,611
Standardized Test Score Requirements: requirements vary
Points: 11


If you love business and sports, but don’t want to pick between the disciplines, then the low cost undergraduate physical education degree at the University of Georgia is worth looking into. Through the College of Education, you can earn a BSEd in Kinesiology and Sport Management. But what really makes this program stand out is that it’s a combined degree that will help you earn your MS in Sport Management as well, giving you an advantage post-graduation. In this program, you will take a few summer courses to keep you on track, so bear that in mind before applying. Graduates of this program can find careers in all areas of sport management, including professional sports teams, college athletic departments, sports marketing and public relations firms, sports agencies, and health and fitness facilities. The University of Georgia is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS).

Net Price Tuition: $15,539

#31 Arkansas State University

Jonesboro, Arkansas

Bachelor’s in General Studies with an emphasis in Physical Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 18 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 9,350
Standardized Test Score Requirements: A minimum ACT composite score of 21; SAT score of 990 on the Reading and Math combined; 2016 SAT: score of 1060 on the Reading and Math combined

Points: 11

Arkansas State University offers a Bachelor’s in Physical Education in a unique way. Students will receive a Bachelor’s in General Studies, which provides a broad education emphasizing critical thinking skills. After completing the general education requirements, students will complete a concentration in Physical Education. Coursework includes the following classes:

  • Principles and Problems of Coaching
  • Sport in Society
  • Concepts of Athletic Training
  • Organization and Administration of Physical Education
  • Physical Education Curriculum
  • Philosophy & Ethics in Sport

The main goal of this area of specialization is to help students learn to plan and implement physical ed, recreational sports, fitness, or wellness activities. Graduates can pursue a myriad of professional positions in those fields. This 120-credit online physical education degree is convenient and flexible, offering multiple start times per year. ASU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Net-Price Tuition: $13,459

#30 Rice University

Houston, Texas

BA in Kinesiology

Student-Faculty Ratio: 6 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 3,992
Standardized Test Score Requirements: RU considered the best composite score.
Points: 12

Rice University’s low-cost physical education degree offering is a BA in Kinesiology. This degree is best suited for students who know they want to go into the health sciences or medical fields. You will major in Kinesiology and then choose between a concentration in Health Sciences or Sports Medicine. The health science emphasis is optimal for students seeking graduate work in public health, health promotion, and health education, or pre-professional health fields. On the other hand, the sports medicine curriculum will focus on subjects like natural sciences, human anatomy, and human physiology. Most students who choose that route intend to continue studies in medical school or other medical-related fields like physical therapy. Sample coursework includes Sports Injury, Psychological Aspects of Sports Injury and Rehabilitation, Statistics for the Health Professional, and Human Anatomy. An internship may be required. Rice University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees.

Net Price Tuition: $23,202

#29 University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota

B.S in Kinesiology

Student-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 34,439
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 12

The University of Minnesota offers an affordable degree in physical education that results in a BS in Kinesiology. The degree will address how the physical, biological, and social sciences relate to physical activity and movement. Students will take science-based general education courses, then take core major courses like:

  • Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • History and Philosophy of Sport
  • Introduction to Motor Learning and Control
  • Research Methods in Kinesiology
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Human Physiology
  • Sport in a Diverse Society

Net Price Tuition: $16,691

#28 Eastern New Mexico University

Portales, New Mexico

BS in Physical Education with a concentration in Teaching

Student-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 4,700
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 12

At Eastern New Mexico University, you can earn your low-cost Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education with an emphasis in Teaching PE for K-12 levels. And, you can earn your degree for a price tag of just $10,000 net-price tuition per year. Sample major classes include options like:

  • Nutrition, Health, and Fitness
  • Classroom Management, Discipline and Issues in Secondary Education
  • Teaching Movement
  • American Red Cross First Aid & CPR/AED
  • Structural Kinesiology
  • Physiology of Exercise

Other related areas of specialization include Sport Management and Health and Wellness. Students will also participate in a hands-on internship experience. Graduates will be prepared to start careers as:

  • Physical education teachers at all K-12 schools
  • Health educators for K-12 schools
  • Athletic directors
  • Head/Assistant coaches at all K-12 schools

Eastern New Mexico University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Net-Price Tuition: $10,918

#27 Liberty University

Lynchburg, Virginia

BS in Physical Education and Health

Student-Faculty Ratio: 18 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 45,935
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 14

At Liberty University you can earn a low-cost degree in physical education presented through a Christian point of view. You can choose one of two tracks: a teaching licensure track or a non-licensure track. Note that if you choose the licensure track, you will have a semester of student teaching to complete, and you will be licensed in the state of Virginia. You may have additional certifications to complete if you need licensure in another state. Major coursework includes Weight Training/Conditioning, Adapted Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, Human Nutrition, and Analysis of Human Movement. Located in the beautiful Lynchburg, VA, Liberty University is a non-profit Christian institution that desires to impact the world through its dedication to a comprehensive, quality education. LU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges.

Net-Price Tuition: $27,432

#26 Temple University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

BS in Kinesiology

Student-Faculty Ratio: 14 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 29,484
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 14

Temple University

Through Temple University’s College of Public Health, you can earn an affordable PE degree by way of a BS in Kinesiology. The goal of this interdisciplinary program is to give you the tools you need to help clients engage in physical activity, as well as promote a healthy, active lifestyle. The program is also customizable, as you can choose electives that interest you and that will promote your future career plans. Other benefits of the program include renowned faculty, study abroad programs, program-specific advising, and student organizations. In addition, Temple offers a long list of graduate degrees related to physical education:

  • MS in Athletic Training
  • MS in Kinesiology, Concentration in Integrative Exercise Physiology
  • Master of Public Health in Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Master of Occupational Therapy
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy

As you can see, you’ll have plenty of options and support at Temple. TU is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Net Price Tuition: $23,192

#25 University of Virginia

Charlottesville, Virginia

BSEd in Kinesiology

Student-Faculty Ratio: 15 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 16,777
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 14

University of Virginia

In the University of Virginia’s affordable undergrad degree in physical education, you’ll earn a BSEd in Kinesiology. It’s a direct admittance program, which means you’ll be admitted into the program while in high school. You’ll take all your general requirements in the first two years of college, then start on your major. You can add-on a second major to complement your degree or even enroll in the accelerated Master’s program where you can earn both your Bachelor’s and your Master’s in just 5 years. The accelerated 4 + 1 program offers 3 options:

  • Exercise Physiology
  • Kinesiology for Individuals with Disabilities
  • Health and Physical Education Teaching

The school will work with your career goals to design a program that will be best for you. For example, if you want to apply to physical therapy school, you will need to take more electives in sports medicine. Students will engage in field experiences to give them hands-on knowledge to complement their degrees. UV is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

Net Price Tuition: $17,845

#24 San Diego State University

San Diego, California

Bachelor’s in Liberal Studies with a concentration in Physical Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 27 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 30,586
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 14


San Diego State University offers a cheap Bachelor’s in physical education through its Liberal Studies major. You will concentrate in physical education and graduate with credentials to teach PE at the high school level. Your curriculum will be broken down in 3 parts: general education, major coursework, and credential prerequisites. You’ll get a well-rounded education that will set you up for success in life after college. If this program interests you, SDSU makes it easy. Attend an on-site info session then you can meet with an advisor–all before you apply! San Diego State University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

Net Price Tuition: $14,568

#23 Arizona State University

Scottsdale, Arizona

BAE in Secondary Education with a concentration in Physical Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 23 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 29,780
Standardized Test Score Requirements: ACT: 22 (24 nonresidents) or SAT: 1120 (1180 nonresidents)
Points: 14

The low-cost degree in physical education offering at Arizona State University is an education-based degree that will result in a Bachelor of Secondary Education with a concentration in Physical Education. At the end of the program, you will graduate with your teaching certificate, so you’ll be ready to find a PE job in the K-12 school system. The program also meets standards for the state of Arizona and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. It is important to note that you will have to pass certification exams to earn your teacher licensure. Major coursework includes: Physical Activity Leadership in Schools, Teaching Physical Activity Concepts, Exercise Physiology Concepts for Physical Educators, Pediatric Movement Sciences for Physical Educators, and Teaching Group Exercise. Graduates will be ready for careers as teachers, fitness instructors, wellness coordinators, or instructional designers. ASU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Net Price Tuition: $14,166

#22 University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, Massachusetts

BS in Kinesiology with Education Minor

Student-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 23,575
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 15


Through the School of Public Health and Health Sciences, UMass Amherst offers an affordable Bachelor’s in physical education. This BS in Kinesiology will address four main subjects in its curriculum:

  • biochemistry
  • biomechanics
  • motor control
  • physiology

For those who want to become physical education teachers, you can add-on a minor in education. Note that you will still have extra credentials or licensure to be able to teach. Graduates will be ready to take on careers in health and fitness fields in a variety of healthcare settings. The degree will also prepare students who desire to continue education for careers that require extra schooling (medicine, physical therapy, etc.). Example coursework includes options like Exercise Testing & Programming, Strength and Conditioning, Personal Training, Pathophysiology and Risk Factors, Human Behavior and Psychology, Safety and Emergency Care, Nutrition and Weight Management. For extra student support, you’ll have access to program-specific advising and can even join the Kinesiology Club. The University of Massachusetts Amherst is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education.

Net Price Tuition: $21,740

#21 James Madison University

Harrisburg, Virginia

BS in Kinesiology with a concentration in Physical and Health Education Teacher Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 16 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 19,923
Standardized Test Score Requirements: does not require test scores
Points: 15


At James Madison University, you can earn your affordable Bachelor’s in physical education by way of a Kinesiology major. In fact, you can specialize in one of two areas to make it even better. If you want to be a PE or health teacher, you can choose a concentration in physical and health education teacher education. It is important to note that this program is a 5-year combined Bachelor’s and Masters program. You will earn a BS in Kinesiology and get a Master’s degree in Physical and Health Education, with teaching credentials to become an educator in the state of Virginia. On the other hand, if you are more interested in fitness-related careers or physical therapy, try the concentration in exercise science. In addition, a minor in Coaching Education is also available. James Madison University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, masters and doctorate degrees.

Net Price Tuition: $17,753

#20 SUNY Cortland

Cortland, New York

Bachelor’s in Physical Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 16 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 6,343
Standardized Test Score Requirements: requirements vary
Points: 15

If teaching in the state of New York is what you want to do, then look no further than SUNY Cortland’s cheap Bachelor’s in Physical Education. The program will merge theory and hands-on experiences to prepare you to teach in NY’s K-12 schools. You’ll even graduate with the certification to coach interscholastic sports. At Cortland, they really live out what they say: Cortland is more than a classroom. In fact, you can be a part of several student clubs, learn your craft in state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor facilities, engage in field experience early in your curriculum, and even enjoy a 2-week outdoor learning experience in the Adirondacks Mountains. You will take classes like Responding to Emergencies, Outdoor Adventure Education for Teachers, School-Based Fitness Programming, and Statistics and Assessment in Physical Education. SUNY Cortland is accredited by Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Net Price Tuition: $16,386

#19 Michigan State University

East Lansing, Michigan

Bachelor’s in Kinesiology

Student-Faculty Ratio: 16 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 39,423
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 15

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Michigan State University offers an affordable physical education degree that will result in a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology. With a list of over 100 minors, you can also choose a cognate that will enhance your degree and help you specialize in an area of interest. If you plan to teach, there are dozens of education/language-related minors as options, too. Major coursework will include Applied Human Anatomy, Principles of Human Movement, The Healthy Lifestyle, Physical Growth and Motor Behavior, and Measurement in Kinesiology. In addition, all seniors will participate in a real-world internship, and can choose between three options: Non-Physiologically Based, Physiologically Based, Athletic Training-Based. Graduates of this program can go on to pursue careers as Physical therapy technicians, Exercise & wellness specialists, Personal trainers, Sport instructors, and Pharmaceutical sales representatives. MSU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Net Price Tuition: $16,227

#18 University of Houston

Houston, Texas

BS in Exercise Science with Education Minor

Student-Faculty Ratio: 22 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 38,348
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 15

The low-cost physical education degree offering at the University of Houston results in a BS in Exercise Science with 2 options of specialization. For those looking to work in physical therapy, you can choose the health profession option. Your coursework will be centered on exercise and sports, biomechanics, physiology, motor behavior, measurement, physical fitness, and sports medicine. On the other hand, if you’re looking to pursue a career in Occupational Therapy, Personal/Athletic Training, Strength and Conditioning, Wellness, or Nursing, then you should pursue the pre-professional primary (general) option. You’ll take coursework in fields like exercise and sports, biomechanics, physiology, motor behavior, measurement, physical fitness, and sports medicine. If the field of education is important to you, you can choose a minor in education. The University of Houston is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate, master’s, professional, and doctoral degrees.

Net Price Tuition: $16,002

#17 University of North Texas

Denton, Texas

Bachelor’s in Kinesiology

Student-Faculty Ratio: 25 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 31,375
Standardized Test Score Requirements: SAT – 1500 out of 2400 (for tests prior to March 2016) or 1090 out of 1600 (for tests March 2016 to present) | ACT – 18 English, 22 Reading, 22 Mathematics and 23 Science
Points: 15

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At the University of North Texas, you can earn your affordable Bachelor’s in physical education by way of Kinesiology. You’ll even get to hone in your studies by choosing from a long list of specializations:

  • Allied Health/Pre-Physical Therapy
  • All-level Teacher Certification
  • Athletic Training
  • Fitness Leadership
  • General Kinesiology

Whichever option you choose, the core curriculum will address subjects like behavioral, historical, mechanical, physiological, psychological and sociological foundations of exercise and sport. This program will also provide opportunities for research and a community outreach program. Meet other students like you by becoming a part of the Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation Professionals (KHPRos) student organization. Once you graduate, you can start a career as a coach, trainer, or PE teacher, or continue your studies in graduate exercise physiology or sports psychology programs. The University of North Texas is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, master’s and doctorate degrees.

Net Price Tuition: $12,600

#16 California State University Long Beach

Long Beach, California

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (Physical Education K-12)

Student-Faculty Ratio: 23 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 31,690
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 15

Through the Department of Kinesiology, California State University Long Beach offers a cheap Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. After completing the degree, you’ll be certified to teach in the K-12 school system. In your lower division coursework, you’ll take foundational courses in physical education, as well as study various sports techniques like gymnastics, basketball, flag football, golf, tennis, or track and field. Major/upper-level courses include Applied Theory of Teaching Individual & Dual Sports, Sociocultural Dimensions of Sport and Human Movement, Techniques and Analysis of Fitness, and Principles, Organization and Management of Secondary School Physical Education. Students are required to take an internship or field experience as a part of their education. A variety of service or community programs are also available for students to turn theory into practice and experience. CSULB is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Net Price Tuition: $9,477

#15 University of Tennessee

Knoxville, Tennessee

BS in Kinesiology or Recreation and Sport Management

Student-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 22,815
Standardized Test Score Requirements: requirements vary
Points: 16

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The University of Tennessee offers several low-cost physical education degree options through their College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. You can choose between:

  • Kinesiology
  • Recreation and Sport Management

The Kinesiology major is a great fit for students looking to enter a variety of fitness-related professions or for those pursuing graduate/professional degrees medicine, allied health professions, exercise physiology, biomechanics, sport psychology, and more. On the other hand, the Recreation and Sport Management degree might be better suited for students who are more interested in how health/fitness relates to careers in the park, recreation, and tourism field. In this field of study, you can choose between two areas of concentration: sport management or therapeutic recreation. UT also offers several physical education-related Master’s and Doctoral degrees. The Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies is a member of the American Kinesiology Association (AKA).

Net Price Tuition: $21,019

#14 William Carey University

Hattiesburg, Mississippi

BA/BS in Physical Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 14 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 3,249
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.

Points: 16

William Carey University offers an affordable Bachelor’s in Physical Education. This program one of the most customizable on this ranking list! You can choose either a B.A. or B.S. degree option, which will affect what kind of general education coursework you take. In addition, you can pursue a degree in Physical Education with a teacher licensure option, or a major in Health, Recreation, and Physical Education. To top it off, a minor is required for this major, including one of three options:

  • coaching
  • recreation
  • special education

Your professors will be faculty with experience in both the health and coaching fields. William Carey University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award bachelor, master, education specialist, and doctoral degrees.

Net-Price Tuition: $17,100

#13 University of Iowa

Iowa City, Iowa

Bachelor’s in Elementary Education with Physical Education endorsement

Student-Faculty Ratio: 11 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 23,989
Standardized Test Score Requirements: requirements vary
Points: 16


The University of Iowa’s affordable Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education presents itself a little differently than others on this list. First, you will get a degree in Elementary Education and then add-on an endorsement in Physical Education. Upon graduation, you’ll be ready to teach elementary/middle-grade students K-8. Since this is a little more specific than other programs on this list, you’ll want to make sure you know this is what you want to do after graduation before you apply! Although the University of Iowa is a large school, they make it feel smaller with an impressive 11:1 student to faculty ratio. In addition, the education programs have recognition from the US News and World Report and the National Council on Teacher Quality, ranking them amongst the best in the country. To top it off, all students get extra training and development in important education areas like assessment, technology, and diversity/community engagement. The University of Iowa is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Net Price Tuition: $15,817

#12 University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, Wisconsin

BS in Physical Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 31,705
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 16

The University of Wisconsin in Madison offers an affordable BS in Physical Education that provides a curriculum strong in science and technology. College can be expensive, but UW’s track record of providing quality physical education since 1911 will give you the assurance you need that your investment will be well spent. In addition, the UW–Madison School of Education is nationally ranked. And with a focus on small class sizes and specific advising groups, you’ll have the support you need. The program will focus on the many sides of movement, including physical, mental, and psychological, and will place an emphasis on urban, inclusive, and multicultural settings. Optional certifications in Adapted Physical Education and Health Education are also available. Major coursework includes Group Development and Behavior Management, Health and Physical Education in a Multicultural Society, Adapted Physical Activity, Assessment and Research in Physical Activity Pedagogy, and Organization and Administration of Physical Education. Graduates will be ready to apply for licensure at the K-12 level. The University of Wisconsin-Madison is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
Net Price Tuition: $14,169

#11 Brigham Young University

Provo, Utah

Bachelor’s in Physical Education Teaching/Coaching

Student-Faculty Ratio: 20 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 31,441
Standardized Test Score Requirements: requirements vary
Points: 16

The low-cost physical ed degree program at Brigham Young University Provo is designed to prepare graduates to teach in public schools. After 66 upper-level credits, you’ll earn a BS in Physical Education Teaching and Coaching. Keep in mind, though, that you’ll still need to complete the licensing requirements for Utah in order to teach, including passing the Praxis exam. This education-based program will help you gain skills in areas like leadership, instructional planning, assessment, skill and fitness based competence, and professional and ethical behavior. You’ll take classes like Fitness for Life, Principles of Coaching, Adapted and Multicultural Physical Education for Teaching Majors, and Advocacy for Physical Education. You can even take an internship in coaching if you’re interested in that. Brigham Young University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Net Price Tuition: $13,120

#10 Indiana University

Bloomington, Indiana

BS in Exercise Science

Student-Faculty Ratio: 16 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 33,301
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 16

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Indiana University Bloomington’s affordable physical education degree offering is a BS in Exercise Science. The program is designed to be a gateway for students seeking graduate-level work in a variety of health/fitness fields like adapted physical education, adult or corporate fitness, biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor control, ergonomics, sport psychology, and sports medicine. This program has less of an emphasis on education, and more on applied science. So, this choice might be best suited for students seeking science-related careers vs education-based careers. With a long list of student services and support, you’ll have the guidance you need from beginning to end. You can even choose to enhance your experience by participating in study abroad programs. Indiana University Bloomington is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Net Price Tuition: $11,931

#9 University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Various Bachelor’s Options

Student-Faculty Ratio: 11 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 30,318
Standardized Test Score Requirements:
Points: 17

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At the University of Michigan, you can earn your affordable Bachelor’s in physical education through 4 reputable kinesiology degrees:

  • Movement Science (best for students interested in the human body and various potential healthcare professions)
  • Sport Management (best for students interested in combining their love for sports and business)
  • Applied Exercise Science (best for students interested in assessing and promoting physical activity throughout all stages of life)
  • Athletic Training (best for students interested in the treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of injuries)

But with whatever program you choose, you will certainly be in good hands. The National Academy of Kinesiology ranked UM’s program among the top 3. The School of Kinesiology also offers 2 Master’s degree programs and 2 Doctoral programs in Sport Management and Movement Science. In your studies, you won’t just be stuck in a classroom. UM places a high importance on a blend between inside/outside the classroom learning opportunities, as well as in research, internships, volunteering, and study abroad. The University of Michigan is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

Net Price Tuition: $16,856

#8 University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

BS in Kinesiology Teaching

Student-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 24,743
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 19

If teaching physical education in a school setting is your career goal, then take a good look at the University of Utah’s cheap Bachelor’s in physical education. This BS in Kinesiology Teaching is focused on both theory and real-world application to prepare students to be successful teachers. It is important to note that students need a 2.7 GPA to enter the program and maintain good standing in it. Major coursework will include options like: Emergency Medical Technician Training, Techniques to Improve Behavior and Skill in Physical Education and Sport, Introduction to Coaching, Perspectives on Sport and American Society, and Exercise Physiology. You can even take classes that prepare you to teach either middle school or high school. If teaching isn’t your thing, the school also offers two more related degrees: Kinesiology: Exercise Science and Kinesiology: Fitness and Wellness Specialist. The University of Utah is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).

Net Price Tuition: $13,460

#7 Rutgers University

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Bachelor’s in Exercise Science with minor in Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 16 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 36,039
Standardized Test Score Requirements: ACT/SAT scores are required, but the writing portion is not.
Points: 20

The New Brunswick campus of Rutger University’s low-cost physical education program offering is a Bachelor’s in Exercise Science. The degree is designed for people seeking careers in the exercise physiology, biomechanics, sport medicine, rehabilitation, or fitness industries, as well as for continued graduate or pre-professional study. Coursework includes classes like Nutrition for Sport and Exercise, Movement Experiences for Individuals with Disabilities, Functional Human Anatomy, and Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Your classroom knowledge will culminate into an internship experience. You’ll even have several customization options to make your degree suit your goals. For those interested in teaching, you can add-on a minor in Education. Or, if you’re interested in the PT field, a concentration in pre-physical therapy is available. A related degree in Sport Management is an option as well. Rutgers University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE).

Net Price Tuition: $16,295

#6 University of Florida

Gainesville, Florida

Bachelor’s in Exercise and Sports Sciences with an emphasis in Physical Education

Student-Faculty Ratio: 18:1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 35,491
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 20

If you know you want to be a physical education teacher, take a good look at the University of Florida’s affordable Bachelor’s in Physical Education. Not only will you get a solid background in exercise and sport science, but you’ll also graduate with NCATE-approved teacher certification. That way, you’ll be able to jump right into finding the right job for you. Sample coursework includes classes like Personal Fitness Teaching Methods, Teaching Diverse Populations, Biomechanical Basis of Movement, Administration of Exercise and Sport Sciences, and Foundations/Principles of Coaching. All students will have the opportunity to apply theory into real-world situations during a student internship. It is important to note that there are GPA requirements to remain in the program. UF is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Net Price Tuition: $11,313

#5 Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio

Bachelor’s in Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity

Student-Faculty Ratio: 19:1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 46,820
Standardized Test Score Requirements: no minimum requirements for ACT or SAT scores
Points: 21


Ohio State University offers a versatile low-cost physical education program that will give you options. Your degree will result in a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity (PESPA). You can choose between two paths: the physical education teacher education (PETE) specialization or the physical activity specialist (PAS) specialization, which is a non-licensure option. Major coursework includes:

  • Black Youth
  • Internship in Physical Activity Settings
  • Sport and Disability
  • Physical Cultural Issues in Physical Education
  • Prevention and Youth Development through Sport, Recreation, and Play
  • Language and Culture in Education
  • Programming for Severe Physical Impairments

For advanced students, there is an honors option available as well.  Ohio State also offers two students organizations that will help this big university become more manageable, all while meeting like-minded peers. The Physical Education (PE) Club will consist of meetings, workshops, and even conferences. Or, choose Kappa Phi Kappa, a co-ed organization devoted to professional development and community service. OSU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Net Price Tuition: $18,694

#4 Eastern Oregon University

La Grande, Oregon

Bachelor’s in Health and Human Performance with a concentration in Physical Education and Sport

Student-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 2,744
Standardized Test Score Requirements: requirements vary

Points: 21

Eastern Oregon University’s affordable physical ed degree offering is a Bachelor’s in Health and Human Performance with a concentration in Physical Education and Sport. The curriculum will focus on subject matter in health, sport, recreation, teacher education, coaching, and exercise science. It will also combine a scientific approach with a community-based hands-on curriculum. Coursework in the major include classes like:

  • Teaching Team Sports
  • Prevention & Care of Injury in Physical Activity Settings
  • Teaching Individual Lifetime Sports
  • Adapted Physical Activity
  • Sport Psychology

Additional available minors include two options in Health Studies or Outdoor Recreation and Leadership. In addition, related degrees in Exercise Science and Community Health are also available.  Graduates of the program will be able to enter the workforce as fitness instructors, personal trainers, public health employees, or health education specialists. You’ll also be prepared to continue your education in a Master’s degree program in teaching, sports management, or nutrition. The degree is also a springboard for professional careers in physical therapy, medicine, occupational therapy, chiropractic, or nursing. Eastern Oregon University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Net-Price Tuition: $15,902

#3 University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign

Champaign, Illinois

BS in Kinesiology Teacher Certification

Student-Faculty Ratio: 20 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 33, 915
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 21

At the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, you can earn your cheap physical education Bachelor’s degree through a BS in Kinesiology. The program will focus on studying and researching all the facets of human movement, and you’ll take coursework like Bioenergetics of Movement, Motor Development and Control, and Physical Activity and Health. Students will also take 18-credit hours towards a correlate that will enhance your education and kinesiology degree. You can choose to add a concentration in teacher certification, which will begin after your sophomore year. Keep in mind that there are GPA requirements to enter the program and to maintain good standing. For those who don’t want to teach, there is a 5 year combined BS-MPH (Master of Public Health) available.  The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Net Price Tuition: $15,829

#2 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

B.A. in Exercise and Sport Science

Student-Faculty Ratio: 13 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 19,117
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 22

Top 10 Colleges For An Online Degree Near Raleigh, North Carolina

You’ll have options galore at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s cheap Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. First of all, you’ll major in Exercise and Sport Science, then choose a degree track, including a general option, a fitness professional option, or the sport administration option. In addition, you can add-on a minor in Coaching Education or even continue your studies in the school’s MA in Exercise and Sport Science degree. Deciding which option will be closely tied to what your career goals are. If you want to enter the allied medical field, think about the general track. The fitness professional track will be more suited for the larger fitness industry, while the sport administration track (and adding on the coaching minor) would be great for those looking to work in schools as athletic directors and coaches. Core courses include Biomechanics of Sport, Neuromuscular Control and Learning, Emergency Care of Athletic Injuries and Illnesses, and Physical Activity in Contemporary Society. Note, you must maintain a 2.0 GPA to enter and remain in the program. UNC-Chapel Hill is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Net Price Tuition: $11,649

#1 University of Texas at Austin

Austin, Texas

Various options with an education minor

Student-Faculty Ratio: 18 to 1
Undergraduate Enrollment: 40,804
Standardized Test Score Requirements: Scores required, but minimum scores not discussed.
Points: 27

At the University of Texas at Austin, you can choose from a wide variety of options for your affordable Bachelor’s in physical education. In fact, it’s the most customizable school on this list with the most options. Choose from the following kinesiology and health education-related degrees:

  • Applied Movement Science
  • Athletic Training
  • Exercise Science
  • Health Promotion and Behavioral Science
  • Physical Culture and Sports

You can even choose from a long list of concentrations:

  • Coaching
  • Community Health and Wellness
  • Disability Science in Movement Science
  • Health Fitness Instructor
  • Medical Fitness and Rehabilitation
  • Strength and Conditioning Coaching

These concentrations will help you move towards a career that interests you, and will make you more desirable as an employee. You can even choose a minor in Kinesiology and Health Education (that also offers its own areas of emphasis!). When it comes to options, the University of Texas at Austin is a solid contender. UT-Austin accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, professional, masters, and doctorate degrees.

Net Price Tuition: $14,156

What is an affordable Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education?

An affordable Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education will typically be a 4-year endeavor that will prepare students to be physical education teachers, health teachers, sport coaches, athletic directors, personal trainers, and more. Though each program will be different, the main goal of the programs will focus on equipping you to teach people how to live a healthy lifestyle, whether through school, sport, or recreation.

But, not every degree that studies the fundamentals of human movement will result in a Bachelor’s in PE. You can pursue many different types of related degrees depending on what career path you choose. On this rankings list, we also explore degrees in Kinesiology and Exercise Science–both which study similar topics related to human movement. While a degree in Physical Education might lean more towards an education curriculum, you’ll find more science coursework in Kinesiology and Exercise Science, prepping you for graduate or professional study in medical-related fields.

In short, studying physical education can take you many places, including sport, fitness, medicine/allied health, health & wellness industries or graduate and professional study.

What concentrations are available for a cheap Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education?

Getting a concentration only requires a few focused elective courses, but it can add incredible value to your degree. Not only will it complement your major studies, but could also make you more desirable to employers or help direct you to a specific career. In the Physical Education field, you might see emphasis areas like coaching, athletics, health, or administration. In addition, as is the case with some programs on this list, some schools offer a major in Education, with an area of focus in Physical Education. This degree will give you a solid foundation in the education field and will allow you to hone in your focus in the field of physical education. Typically, this degree will also lead to licensure with the purpose of teaching in K-12 schools. It’s important to note, however, that you might need additional credentials to gain licensure or to teach in the state of your choice.

More areas of concentration mentioned in this ranking include:

  • Coaching
  • Community Health and Wellness
  • Disability Science in Movement Science
  • Health Fitness Instructor
  • Medical Fitness and Rehabilitation
  • Strength and Conditioning Coaching
  • Health Sciences
  • Sports Medicine
  • Fitness Leadership
  • General Kinesiology
  • Teacher certification
  • Allied Health/Pre-Physical Therapy
  • Athletic Training

If you are looking to teach in K-12 schools or as a fitness instructor, it might be wise to pursue a program that has an education-based curriculum with a specialty in physical education/fitness.

On the other hand, if you are more interested in graduate study or professional programs like physical or occupational therapy, look for more science-based curricula.

What minors would best accompany an affordable degree in physical education?

Against popular belief, a minor and a concentration are not the same thing. An area of emphasis will go hand in hand with your major, and will usually be within the same department and a part of your actual degree. A minor, on the other hand, can be from another area of study or department, designed to complement your degree. Not all programs will offer areas of concentration, but most schools will allow you to pursue a minor.

While all options will vary by school, if you decide you want to pursue a minor, you’ll want to choose an option that will help you in your future career. Typically, to add on a minor, you will take about 15 extra credit hours (will depend on the program), which is about 5 additional classes. Some schools will even allow these classes to take the place of electives, enabling you to customize your degree to fit your goals. A few minors that could be helpful in the physical education field are: education, health education, nutrition, exercise science, community health, or health administration.

A few specific options mentioned in this ranking are:

  • Health Studies
  • Outdoor Recreation and Leadership
  • Coaching
  • Recreation
  • Special education
What coursework can I expect to take in my low-cost physical education degree?

Your coursework will depend on which degree path you take (physical education, kinesiology, or exercise science). But at its core, physical education coursework will address the fundamentals of human movement and health, including core subject areas like:

  • health science
  • nutrition
  • psychology of sport
  • teaching methodology
  • sport and recreation
  • kinesiology or exercise

Sample specific coursework reviewed in the programs on this ranking list include:

  • Nutrition, Health, and Fitness
  • Classroom Management, Discipline, and Issues in Secondary Education
  • Teaching Movement
  • American Red Cross First Aid & CPR/AED
  • Structural Kinesiology
  • Physiology of Exercise
  • Principles and Problems of Coaching
  • Sport in Society
  • Concepts of Athletic Training
  • Organization and Administration of Physical Education
  • Physical Education Curriculum
  • Philosophy & Ethics in Sport
  • Group Development and Behavior Management
  • Health and Physical Education in a Multicultural Society
  • Adapted Physical Activity
  • Assessment and Research in Physical Activity Pedagogy
  • Organization and Administration of Physical Education
  • Emergency Medical Technician Training
  • Techniques to Improve Behavior and Skill in Physical Education and Sport
  • Introduction to Coaching
  • Perspectives on Sport and American Society
  • Exercise Physiology

Most Frequently Searched Physical Education Programs:

Salem University: At Salem University, you can earn your BS in Education with a concentration in Physical Education. You’ll not only take classes focused on physical and mental skill development, healthy living and personal wellness, but you’ll also learn how to teach those skills to others.

Grand Canyon University: Through both the College of Education and the College of Science, you can earn your Bachelor’s of Physical Education at GCU. You’ll graduate ready to take on careers like athletic coaches, fitness instructors, sports team coach, or a community recreation director.

Southwestern Assemblies of God University: In SAGU’s Bachelor of Physical Education program, you’ll graduate with licensure to teach physical education at the K-12 levels in the state of Texas.

Southeastern Louisiana University: Through the Department of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Southeastern Louisiana University offers a Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education that leads to teaching licensure at the K-12 levels.

Liberty University: At Liberty University, you can earn your BS in Physical Education and Health through a Christian perspective. Pick from 2 different tracks: a teaching licensure track or a non-licensure track.

Affordable Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education FAQs:

Q: Will I be able to teach with my cheap degree in physical education?

This will depend on your program and what your state requires for its teachers. In order to teach, you will need licensure within your state. Some programs will include this part (like the option at William Carey University), but other programs may not. This means that in order to teach, you may need extra certification or you could continue towards a Master’s degree in Education. Many programs on this list offer an accelerated 4 + 1 degree path that allows you to earn both your Bachelor’s and Master’s in just 5 years. Make sure to check your program for information, as well as your state’s guidelines for aspiring educators. You might also be required to take a standardized test like the Praxis before gaining licensure.

Q: Is my only career option to become a PE teacher?

While many people get a degree in physical education to become a teacher, you don’t have to become one. In fact, your degree will open up many possibilities for you in health and wellness, fitness, and sports. In addition, most programs will prepare you for graduate study or professional programs. So if medical school or another health-related career that requires extra schooling is on your radar, you’ll be ready to go!

Q: Is getting a degree in Physical Education worth it?

Of course. Anytime you advance your education, you’re positively affecting your future and your future paycheck. But what is so enticing about this career field is that you’ll really be able to help people, either by educating, inspiring, or helping them with various forms of physical movement–all which make for a better quality of life.

Q: How useful is my affordable degree in physical education?

Choosing a degree in physical education is wise because it’s practical. As long as there are people on this earth, we will need professionals to help us understand how to move our bodies and keep them healthy. Job opportunities are vast, and you’ll be able to find a career that matches your passion!

Q: Can I take my classes part-time?

While in most cases the answer to this question is yes, note that taking your coursework on a part-time basis will lengthen the time it takes to get your degree.

Q: Is the cost of my books included in the tuition cost?

Unfortunately, the answer is probably no. Extra student fees and books/supplies will be an extra cost for you. It’s something to keep in mind as you’re prepping for college. Maybe work a few extra hours in the summer before, or consider using some scholarship monies to help pay for books.

Q: Will I be able to work and go to school at the same time?

The answer to this question will depend on how many credit hours you are taking and how much you feel like you can handle. Remember that college is a large commitment and takes a lot of extra time for reading, studying, and writing, a time commitment you might not be used to. Here are a few tips:

  • Don’t work your first semester so you can gauge what your college experience will be like. If you feel like you can handle it, find a job that won’t take up too much mental energy!
  • If you do get a job and find yourself overwhelmed, consider taking your classes on a part-time basis.
  • Consider getting an on-campus job! You’ll cut down on commute times and might even get an employee discount on tuition or room and board.

Q: Should I pursue a Bachelor of Education or a Bachelor of Science degree?

This will depend on two factors: your personal interests and career goals. If you know you want to become a PE teacher (or something teaching-related), the education path might be right for you. On the other hand, if you plan to start a career in a medical/health-based field, consider the BS degree.

Q: Will I need any subsequent degrees?

Again, the answer to this question will depend on your career goals. Careers in medicine will certainly need subsequent degrees.

Q: What on-campus opportunities do I have to get involved?

  • student organizations
  • religious groups
  • multicultural centers
  • specialty events
  • programs within diversity and inclusion

Q: Is it required to send my SAT/ACT scores to the university for admission?

Requirements for standardized testing vary by school. Some schools don’t require them at all, some allow them to be optional, and some have strict guidelines on scores. You’ll want to check the admission requirements of the specific schools you are considering to make sure your scores will cut it.

Q: How important is it that my school is accredited?

Extremely important. Your future employers and/or graduate study programs will most likely require your undergraduate degree to come from an accredited school/program.

Q: Is an internship required with my low-cost physical education degree?

An internship may not be required for all programs, but many of them do (especially those in the education field).

Career FAQs:

Q: What are some careers I can pursue with my low-cost degree in Physical Education?

With a  degree in physical education, you can pursue careers in public/private schools, fitness, health organizations, or nutrition will be available to you. Specific jobs could include:

  • PE Teacher
  • Health/Wellness Teacher
  • Athletic Director
  • Coach
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Recreation Worker
  • Fitness Blogger
  • Human Kinetics
  • Sport Nutritionist

If you’re looking at medical-related jobs, you’ll need subsequent degrees, which could include careers in:

  • Sports Medicine
  • Sports Psychology
  • Collegiate level athletics/athletic director
  • Senior-level health administration positions
  • Sport/Athletic Law
  • Physical Therapy

Q: What kind of salary can I expect with an online physical education degree?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, salaries could be:

  • Fitness Trainer & Instructor: $39,820 per year
  • High School Teacher: $60,320 per year
  • Health Educator/Community Health Worker: $46,080 per year
  • Coach/Scout: $33,780 per year

*Might require extra certification or schooling:

  • Exercise Psychologist: $49,270 per year
  • Dietician/Nutritionist: $60,370 per year
  • Recreational Therapist: $47,860 per year
  • Athletic Trainer: $47,510 per year
  • Medical and Health Services Manager: $99,730 per year

Q: Are there any professional organizations for people in Physical Education related careers?

Yes, there are! Professional organizations will help you stay up to date on best practices, helpful current information, research, and studies in your given field. You’ll even meet like-minded peers and begin to build a network of colleagues. A few options include the following:

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