Campbellsville University


Degree Options at Campbellsville University

Campbellsville University appears in our ranking of the 50 Most Affordable Master’s in Theology Degree Programs Online.

Students who enroll in programs at Campbellsville University may attend classes on campus at the university’s Campbellsville campus, at various regional centers, or online. The school gained university status in 1996 and underwent a reorganization of its departments with the change. The university was divided into the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as several schools.

Those schools include the School of Education, the School of Art, and the School of Music. Within those divisions, the most popular programs for students include those in business, criminal justice, social work, sport administration, and childcare. Nearly 70 percent of the university’s classes have fewer than 20 students, and the student-faculty ratio is 13:1.

The university offers dual enrollment options with 40 local high schools, home school networks, and Christian academies across Kentucky. Students can earn college credits through the university’s dual credit program when they receive college-level instruction from qualified teachers. Students must apply for dual credit and should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

One of the most diverse areas of study at the university is that of business, which offers students many different study options and degree paths. Not only can students study business in Campbellsville or online, but they can also enroll in classes at centers in Somerset, Louisville, and Harrodsburg. The university offers several types of business degrees, including Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, and Master of Business Administration programs.

Some of the emphases available for students in business administration programs include business information technology, economics, computer information systems, accounting, healthcare management, marketing, and management. Mass communication degrees are another area where students can focus on a variety of different concentrations like journalism, public relations, and broadcast & digital media.

Students interested in earning their degree online will be able to choose from several in business, as well as degrees in ministry, education, criminal justice, social work, and sport management. Students can often choose between Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science programs in each subject. For example, the undergraduate degree in business administration with an emphasis in healthcare management offers a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science route, as well as the option to study online or in Campbellsville. Similarly, the degrees in mass communication are available as Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degrees. All concentrations are available in multiple formats, and some areas of study are also available as minors.

About Campbellsville University

Campbellsville University is located in Kentucky and was called the Russell Creek Academy when it was founded in 1906. The university is affiliated with the Baptist Church, but enrollment is available to students of all denominations. The official colors of the school are maroon and gray, and the school’s mascot is the Tiger. Total enrollment at the university is more than 12,000, and students enroll in associate bachelor’s, and master’s degree programs.

The main campus is about a half-mile from the center of town in Campbellsville and covers 80 acres. The town itself has fewer inhabitants than the total enrollment at the university. There is a satellite center in Hodgenville that offers adult education classes, as well as programs for kids and general education. The school was without a football program for thirty years when it was discontinued in 1937 and was revived in 1987.

Campbellsville University Accreditation Details

Campbellsville University is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and is eligible to award college degrees with that certification. The university is also affiliated with the Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities and the Appalachian College Association. Some programs are further accredited by various agencies.

The National Association of Schools of Music has accredited the music program, the Education Professional Standards Board has accredited the teacher education program, and education degrees are also accredited by the National Council for Accreditation for Teacher Education. The BSW and MSW are both accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. The university’s programs in business are accredited by the International Assembly of Collegiate Business Education.

Campbellsville University Application Requirements

Campbellsville University has several applications for different students who want to enroll. Students will use the application for campus study, the application for attendance at a regional center, the application for online degree enrollment, or the application for certificate and professional program enrollment. The university also has a streamlined application for several graduate degrees in the areas of business, information technology, and computer science.

Admission to Campbellsville University is reasonably competitive, but students who meet the average admission requirements shouldn’t have any difficulties successfully applying. The average first-year student has graduated in the top 50 percent of his or her class and has maintained a B average in high school. SAT scores of successfully admitted students generally fall between 1010 and 1160.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Students enrolled in undergraduate programs at Campbellsville University will pay $12,450 per semester for 12 to 18 credit hours. Enrolling in fewer than 12 credit hours will result in a per-credit charge of $1,038 per credit. Students who enroll in more than 18 credit hours will pay an overload fee of $500 per credit. Students may also audit a class for $50. The tuition for summer classes is $399.

For graduate programs, students pay a per hour rate based on their program. Programs like those in music, conducting, and instrumental performance are $399 per credit. The MBA program is $479 per credit, and the Master of Social Work program is also $479 per credit. Students in the doctoral program in management will pay $699 per credit hour.

Sources of financial aid for students at Campbellsville University include federal and state aid, institutional aid, and private aid like scholarships. The university offers scholarships for academic achievement, performance, and diversity. Academic scholarships include the Baptist Leadership Awards, Distinguished Young Women Scholarship, and the Presidential Scholarship.

The university indicates that 90 percent of students who attend receive some type of financial aid. As an institution affiliated with the Baptist Church, the university offers several additional church-related scholarships and programs beyond those offered from federal and state sources. Students may need to fill out the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority financial aid verification application before they receive a financial aid award from Campbellsville University.