If English is not your first language and you are testing to attend college in the United States, you should prepare to take the TOEFL test. The TOEFL test is an English-language test that is administered all throughout the world and that is also recognized by over 9000 higher education establishments. While not all colleges and universities recognize the scores to this admissions test, there are advantages to choosing to take this option over others if you want to attend a school that does. Read on, and find out more about the advantages of take the TOEFL examination and how to schedule your test date.
What is the TOEFL and Why Would You Take It?
The TOEFL examination is administered by the Educational Testing Service and is used to measure the test taker’s ability to understand and also use the English language at a high level. If English is your second language and you would like to show an institution that you are proficient in your second language, you can demonstrate your skill level by scoring highly on the test. Students who are planning to attend college or an English-language learning program, and also those who are applying for scholarships, certifications, licenses or visas can benefit from taking the test. Be sure to check out who accepts the TOEFL before you begin to prep for exam day.
How to Schedule Your TOEFL Exam Date
One of the great things about the TOEFL is that it is a test that is administered via the Internet, making it easily accessible. To register for the test, you should check a local ETS testing site and see if it is offered there. You can register via the Internet any time of the day and select a date and time that works best for you. Be sure to register at least 7 days in advance and review the accepted forms of identification so that you have everything that you need on test day.
Preparation Tips Prior to Test Day
There are plenty of different practice materials that you can use to ensure that you are ready for the content that is found on the test. ETS offers both free and paid-for materials that will help with English Skill Building if you are not confident that you will get a high enough skill level. You can also use an ETS Practice Online tool that will give you access to a practice test so that you see how the test is structured and what types of questions will be asked. You can even access an online prep course if you want a personalized learning path that will grade your progress and target problem areas.
Test day can be one full of emotions. If you gather all of the documents that you need, get directions, arrive on time, and come fresh and ready, you should be able to ease your nerves and get past the jitters. The computer-based test will measure your reading levels, your comprehension of the spoken language, your speaking and pronunciation, and your writing. Study every area in advance and identify where you can improve. If you pace yourself and you do not try and cram all of the content in a short study session, you should have success with your TOEFL test scores.